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skintone | 2001-04-25 | 9:40 a.m.

ok, so the clownhouse is devolving, slowly, at least the clowne himself. new changes to the personalities index indocate pure bizarrity due to coincentental thinking. not sure that i understand it, whether it is meant to tell me that i am being watched, or simply nothing at all. whatever. fuck him. *shrug* destroying my fun. and perhaps this sat., when he it there...i will not be? i dunno. frightens me to think of that ass and my beloved in the same room. eww.

*does not think about such things anymore today*

and, i change the subject,...


i have a problem with things that are the color of skin, but have no right to be, for instance ...i have seen this repair-guy's truck driving around my neighborhood which is a light skintone. now, we are not talking beige, but skin! it disturbs me. i just want to go up to it and stroke parts of it, ...perhaps it will start moving under my hands...perhaps it will bleed.

we have a journal here at my library, the physical review E, statistical, non-linear and soft matter physics. "soft matter?" sheesh! i am so grossed out. skin skin skin covering my journal.


nailpolish, however...i really need to find some nailpolish in my skintone. that would rule...*turns all animatronic or manniquin-esque* rock on. how gross...but in a good way.

ok, i realize i have not typed in my dream yet, it is on the way, i just have to remember it and get some stuff done today. i am going to leave at 1!! woo woo!! just for no reason other than exhaustion and such, but still...

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