contact be on of us recent in the past
keep trak. | 2001-04-24 | 8:47 a.m.

thinking this morning about the hampster that escaped from his little cage one night and snuck *tippy*tippy*toe* into the grrliehampster cage in the lab, and in one night impregnated a huge amount of the females, about 23 or something rediculous. in the morning they found him asleep, curled up in the corner, deat to the world. proud father later in the month of tons and tons of spawn.

except for the pregnant part, i envy that little guy, screwing lots and lots. i do not know what made me think of this, except perhaps morning horny thoughts or maybe my dreams from last night, which i will get to eventually today...or perhaps it is the lack of sleep that i had yet again last night, waking sometime around 4 to remove little rabies tags that make cute little kitty noises, but tend to keep me awake. perhaps i'll wear them instead. now, if i could only get them to stop screwing/howling in the middle of the night, dancing their tangos on tiny paws across the foot of my bed.

it is quite frustrating.

the docs found nothing, so i am supposedly well...but i wonder if it means well in body, sick in mind. must keep trak of hallucination.

keep trak.

*rubs at eyes* they itch today. i have no need for allergies, i already have enough. must be an eyelash. *shrug* i refuse to get all seasonal.

and last night there was much playing in the dirt and such, perhaps today i will have a little more time in which to plant groovy garden stuffs, perhaps not...mmm onjun grass, and strawberries!! everything is flipped and ready to go, i just dread the sun part...i practice gardening at night...

(*hums song for a minute*)

three papers to hand in this morning, then...then i get to say a big "fuck you" to my semester and get the hell over.


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