contact be on of us recent in the past
mega! | 26 October 2006 | 12:45 pm

tt and i find ourselves frustrated as of late - we keep clicking through the digital and HD QED stations and find it difficult to find a program we have not yet watched.

*does a little dance about dorks and laziness*

in any case there was recently a program on about MegaVolcanoes! did you know that YellowstonePark sits on top of a huge underground magma network (caldera) which erupts every so often? supposedly we are about 200 years overdue - and an eruption like that would take out the surrounding 1,000km completely, affect major climate change for the planet, etc. best yet, there are more than one mega volcano around the planet (see links below) and since this has been an unusually quiet century for volcanoes, something major may be in the works.

most interesting is that when calderas build up pressure the ground over them raises. YellowstonePark has been expanding upward at least for the last 80 years if not before (not measured) like a huge magma bubble just waiting to burst. wow. i think i am in love...

interesting Mega Eruption article

Yellowstone Caldera (Huge Volcanic Depression)

other Super or Mega Volcanoes

mon petit volcan, your eruptions and disasters
i keep calm admiring the lava ...i keep calm

possibly maybe - probably love?

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