contact be on of us recent in the past
she dreams... | 16 February 2006 | 6:45 pm

two recent dreams:
the first dream: i am about 4-5 years old with my mother in the grocery store. she is talking to a man who notices me after a bit. my mother says something where she calls me "johni" and he comments about what a good boy i must be. in the dream i feel horrified at this, and absolutely ashamed.

i think this was more of a memory than a dream as when i was that young i had perfectly straight hair, a bowl cut, and a tom boy way of dressing. me mum calling me "johni" on top of it did not help. yay.

dream two: sitting around in some type of room with people i have let slip away over the years - not over any huge conflict in most cases, just out of fear of loosing me for the most part and sometimes fundamental disagreement. strange how i still like these people, and enjoyed being in a room with them talking. i am not sure what this means aside from me having, perhaps, second thoughts about the drift.

i miss them - in ways - and in others i am happy to be me and existing in my self-made sphere that does not happen to revolve around theirs. it makes me sad though.
have you ever let a good friend you still like go - and why? how does it make you feel now? am i the only one that does this - and why do i do it? hrm...

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