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shrinking | 03 January 2007 | 4:15 pm

Main Entry: dis�ap�point Function: verb Etymology: Middle English disapointen to dispossess, from Middle French desapointer, from des- dis- + appointer to arrange -- more at APPOINT transitive verb : to fail to meet the expectation or hope of : FRUSTRATE
intransitive verb : to cause disappointment one of my least favorite verbs, and what i have experienced as of late from work. i am at a dead end, a complete and utter full stop - that promotion i may have mentioned? that anticipation? gone. my managers did not even raise the option - i fell passed over, but not in an awesome lambs blood on the doorframe kind of way. why did he even ask me if i wanted it, if i was satisfied with my current position, if i was looking for advancement? why even bring it up? i understand that the TheMan has a bigger plan in mind and that i am essential in the position that i hold - not that anyone has ever bothered to tell me - but now my aspirations are crushed, and i will meet the new hire tomorrow. it is like meeting the wife of an old love, the man who kicked my dog - and realizing that we are wearing the same shoes. i need to proceed with plan two - to not care so much about job and to care more about fun, friends, kitties, wine, fish, etc. the plan to calm and focus on the me and my creativity/art and let go of the shit that is 1/3 of my existence. somehow though i find that difficult to do - i am shrinking.

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