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rock the casbah! | 18 April 2002 | 9:44 am

oh my goodness, a rockthecasbah midi version!! i�m going to pee�hee he teee he heheehehehhe!!

i brought my terribly huge platformy shiny black vinyl flipy-flops into work today. from now on it is bare feet at work � slipping on the sandals to walk around the library, but under the desk my toes are free! (i am also thinking about painting the nails bleu bleu, but hush�not at work. *grin*)

last night was MRIfuntastik. nothing quite like lying on your tum in an antiseptic room full of loud and loud machines�knocking. for some reason, even though i am a terribly light sleeper, noise (incl. the �music�) puts me right out. i was drifting back and forth and suddenly realized that i was visualizing the game spaceinvaders�part of the machine�s workings sounded exactly like the little invaders crawling back and forth on the screen. *bounce* fun!

and last night, sitting out on the porch with f0o, i had a sudden rush of i am so in love! which certainly hasn�t happened for a while. i smiled and thought of my friends, the one right there and others not present, and i thought of my most preciousbootyboiTT�and just felt really happy.

it feels that it has been months since i felt so good�!

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