contact be on of us recent in the past
...haunted madrigals...

2001-07-30 - you just screw it
2001-07-27 - i am so excited it hurts
2001-07-26 - the habit of standing straight up
2001-07-25 - when i lathered up
2001-07-24 - for no reason
2001-07-24 - a huge mental/physical/monetary price tag attached
2001-07-23 - spying on me, TheMan
2001-07-23 - happy little wiggly worms
2001-07-20 - and none for him
2001-07-19 - all of the time, stuck.
2001-07-18 - once i broke that barrier
2001-07-17 - lots of dirty/sexy base
2001-07-16 - not naivete, my darling
2001-07-13 - things you would want people to know after you died
2001-07-12 - the gentle-est of embrases, kiss.
2001-07-12 - no new number and i was paniky
2001-07-11 - i woke up practically panting
2001-07-10 - before i get bitch-slapped
2001-07-09 - toma-toes for me!
2001-07-09 - B0oB0o of the Weak!
2001-07-09 - not the faximilie of what is expected
2001-07-06 - on our knees. what wonders
2001-07-05 - i take him, deep
2001-07-03 - "cheer free" goth
2001-07-02 - all of the time -- no matt-er how good
2001-07-02 - and whisk him home to feed and pamper

ancient history:
current entries || janfeb04 | march04 | aprmay04 | junjul04

2003 entries || janfeb03 | marapr03 | mayjun03 | julaug03 | sepoct03 | dec03

2002 entries || january02 | february02 | march02 | april02 | may02 | june02 | july02 | august02 | september02 | octnov02 | december02

2001 entries || february01 | march01 | april01 | may01 | june01 | july01 | august01 | september01 | october01 | november01 | december01
