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myself as a journal-ist | 28 December 2004 | 12:17 pm

what i learned from doing the last 20 entries meme, about myself as a journal-ist:

it seems i am more lately more likely to do a meme entry than to express myself in an actual entry - perhaps it is easier to answer questions than to think up quirky anecdotes? easier, yes, more insightful, mostly no. mean, why would i care if i am 55% bitch or not?

i also seem to write a lot more when upset or feeling frustrated with myself - why not give the up as much attention as the down? i suppose the want to reach out and communicate becomes stronger when i need support. i also like to share when things go well - but then again, i am usually too busy being happy and having fun to write anything down. ack. i must change this.

i am frustrated or upset with myself a lot. no revelation there - this is one of my biggest issues, the whole self-loathing thing. as i work it out, i write it out - it is healing.

it has taken me two and a half months to write 20 entries. rrr. i try to write every day during the week at least, but i get busy at work or am too tired at home. i need to take more time for me and my thoughts, no?

i have stopped writing down my dreams (i must rectify that.) i've been having lots of dreams - i was machine-gunned down in a recent one - but i become distracted or forget too easily. i will try to be better about this, for, however am i going to do my dream book (with illustrations) if i have no materials with which to work with?

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