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my fuse | 07 July 2003 | 5:20 pm

this weekend was SF, Oakland and Berkeley fireworks at the same time...wonderful! fuckboy was here for the weekend, and what a weekend it was full of much-needed relaxation and fire-spinning.

life is good.

i never know how to talk to people in the proper way when they are in love - i think i may be cynnical. *shrug* i just never believe anything is going to last, ever. (such things are true, you see, for there is death always hovering.) everything goes away in time, everything rots away. i hope fuckboy's grrlie is true, i do i do, for she seems much to good to be human.

i like fireworks, i do, i do...i was called a firecracker while in bed (in-process) once, oh my oh my, such a compliment.

i have lost my fuse.

there is nothing to light...

i will just have to learn how to spontaneously combust, yes.

the kitties are allowed out in the yard again after a few tens of feet of gutter wire, a staple gun and some tallness. eimolecule is frightened to leave the house after her little kitty gang-bang excursion...but she is braver every day.

tomorrow i am off to the company picnic at the ballpark. strange to walk to a baseball game in the middle of the day to tap a keg with my company...strange.

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