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the afternoon an evening contain limitless possibilities | 28 August 2004 | 9:45 am

i would count last night's concert as the beginning of our Uber-Anniversary weekend, but that would discount my taking thursday night workout off to come home and spend a quiet, and quite naked, evening with the boy. sssh...

did i mention the squash? no, nothing dirty, same on you gutter mind - he made me squash. the tt has this wonderful habit now of making dinner on the nights when i am to be home late. he knows i come home as a tiger - frustrated and ravenous - and so he feeds me. amazing! the other night it was squash: acorn with spices and butternut stuffed with apples and cinnamon. so delicious! contrare to popular beliefs, a squash takes much more than an hour to cook - plan accordingly. my love does not cook - no, but he tries for me, and reads recipes! the extent of his cooking when we met was baking potatoes for himself, and eating them plain. now there is gourmet squash and i am a lucky lucky grrl.

last night was DavidByrne in Berkeley - check out his 2004 tour journal! at one point he was commenting about the largest malls in america - and then his trip to the one in Canada complete with rollercoasters, an ice rink and submarine fleet...(his Aug 8th entry) - simply charming! it seemed the crowd, however, had no interest in his stories. it made me sad, yes, as i was interested and would like so to have a long conversation with Mr.Byrne - perhaps over dinner in some little Berkeley cafe...or, better yet, tapas. I wonder if David enjoys fish cheeks? (the concept of eating the cheeks of fish is enough to make me a little tentative.

what a romantic concert! my love and i holding hands as David crooned " me till my heart stops,... love me till i'm dead..." and i die and wilt into the arms of my most dear - wanting nothing else in the world but for the concert to extend on and on.

as a side note: what is with the whistling, assholes? i believe if i were to perform i would ask the crowd to not practice extremely loud and high pitched whistling, as it hurts people's ears. i just want to enjoy myself and the music - but this whistling, it makes encore clap/cheering quite painful. insert two fingers into the mouth on either side of the teeth and blow...and blow. the men who whistle are also the ones who crash in to you with their exuberant dancing... suitingly enough, they also happen to be painfully single. will wonders ever cease.

other grrls have chosen to write to occasional entry in letter form to actors, musicians, etc. they have a fancy for. i think i would direct mine to Mr.Byrne, as he would, for certain, offer interesting response. i respect him, i do, yes. not certain how, idealistically, one can tell a performers personality from their music, but i do so hope there is a direct correlation.

today we continue the Uber-4year-Anniversary weekend at theCure concert. i am hoping fatbob will not depress me so - frankly, i hope i am not so shallow as to be depressed by aging, etc.

sunday? sunday is the actual date - four years! exactly one year from sunday on our 5 year my love and i will marry. what are we doing on this sunday? i am meeting with the evilimp for to attend a Feldenkrais workshop which will concentrate for three hours on how to walk properly (proper bone alignment, muscle movement, etc.) - pretty complex stuff. i am fortunate to have the evilimp, and to have met her when i did, our weekly meetings are as a class in which i get to know the inner workings of my body and core being. interesting! i also tend to cry a lot during our sessions - we hold so much emotion and stress in our body, we do. the yoga, feldenkrais, buto, etc. that we do releases it.

sunday - how romantic that i am spending it apart from my love...but this is just the morning and the afternoon an evening contain limitless possibilities. perhaps we will drive up north and visit the little italian restaurant of love in MillValley - i think wooing is in order. then again, this whole weekend is one long extended date. lovely!

my love is sleeping away the morning - i think it may be time the kitties and i woke him up...

kiss me! kiss me!
i can tell your name by the markings on your face

U. B. Jesus
makin' my way And I'm lovin' my life

kiss me! kiss me!
swing so crazy, like the way you ride

maybe I'm gonna fry in hell
but i feel good when i burn myself
in a smokey place, In my girlfriends car
threw out the map when we drove to far...!

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