contact be on of us recent in the past
more precisely what they wished for | 22 March 2004 | 3:24 pm

there once was a swanky young man and a grrlie with strangely swirly, curly hair whom he loved very much...
they met at a bar, they met bodies, they met minds, they made plans.

one day, according to the rules of time and airplanes, the swanky boy flew home for good -
mind you, after many weeks of sorrow and weekends of bliss,
in-fact, the final flight was not made until three months and three years after their pact.

in any case, there was The flight and the kitties all meowed and darted this way (and that) and stood on their hind legs as to better see the embrace that was felt around the world - every lover everywhere with one simultaneous and lonely diamond tear tracing their cheek to fall over trembling petal lips, and down into the hollows of throats � they reached for each other, suddenly feeling horribly alone and enormously joyous at the same time.

the young man and his red grrlie were now free to hold hands at 3:33am - any evening they wished - to share breakfast scones and dinner bagels, to light fires and drink wine straight from the bottle, to scoff and sneer and meander as they were like to plan, arrange and map out.

they shared everything from soap to soup, cars to cats - there was nothing they could not bill, no ill, no citation they could not conquer, control, and super-glue tiny iridescent moth wings to.

they moved together from place to place, the mirror pad with its fish, the bungalow of love with its spiders, the firehouse...with its, well, fire - each more precisely what they wished for, each with a little more space, storage and doors within and behind which they would fill with their thoughts and posies, their feeling of relax and patience, of peace - and most of all - of home.

strangely enough, and when the time came around, they never really minded the cat dust-prints all over the windshield as they pulled out from the garage on their way out to the sea - the prints streaked lines and pads pouf on the roof, the hood and doors...comforting as a kitten paw on your knee, their eternal questions: can i come be with you? do you love me? do you have time? do you see me, my tum? ...more food?

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