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a first-person shooter-type world | 07 June 2002 | 10:22 am

i want it to rain today,
just rain and rain
and rain all day�all summer.

little help?

this morning is an impossibility � waking up not an option.

there is too much pressure pushing and flexing behind my eyes, damn sinus. if this is still hurting like this after my foot surgery next week, i�ll have to see an earnoseandthroat.

i am not a lover of doctors, a medical pouter. nope. i just think my body is breaking, signing out, can i have my check so as to leave thankyouverymuch?


anyhoo, i am going to see if i can just ride it through,
just sit here and breathe
just me and my coffee and my rhubarb crisp.


last night i dreamt of a first-person shooter-type world. TT, addiktion and i were sneaking around this board/level of sorts, picking up weapons from the ground that we just happened upon and using them to mow down any individuals that posed a threat.

at one time i had a shotgun, but mostly i kept on picking up some type of burp-gun that popped out metal canisters that would explode after a count of five. the problem with such a gun is that the people i shot the canisters at would just pick them up and throw them back at me � thusly killing me and i would have to restart the dream from the beginning.

the hardest section of the dream to get through (after which i could save the game and continue) was a large group of police officers standing amongst various large cardboard boxes which offered them shelter. i had to sneak around and take them by surprise. this was my part of the mission, TT and addiktion were clearing the rest of the level.

my main problem throughout the dream was that i had no idea how to reload, �but after waking i decided that i would just have to point the weapons at the sky and shoot (thusly reloading?) unfortunately i did not know this in the dream.


booty: TT, can we play starwarz for a few hours tonight before we go out?
TT: *snicker*
booty: laughing? why are you laughing?
TT: how many boys have their girlfriends ask them if they can watch them play computer games for hours at a time? *hugs me tight* i love you�

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