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frickity fuckity fark | 09 July 2002 | 3:26 pm

frickity fuckity fark, tomorrow.

cruel of them to ask me my current salary in this paperwork, i say, cruel. this job was before my degree�it was also before i knew what the salary boundaries for this particular job are.

which is not much above what i would expect to be paid starting at a professional level�after all, i went to graduate school for a reason, you know�but above none the less.

after taxes, three or four thousand a year more is not very much�but something.

booty wants a new pair of shoes,
you know?
maybe some bras and�oooh! matching underwearz, and a haircut all styled like, and a pair of pajamas, and i�ll mention bras again because i have about 3 that actually work correctly, and perhaps an actual vacation...

regardless, the point is that what i am getting now will be doubled, at the least.


and then i�ll saddle up those loans that have breathing ever so hot down my neck, nipping at my heels�
i�ll saddle that fucker up and ride.

*screws up her eyes*
*crosses her fingers and toes*
*wishes really really hard*

please please please�

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