contact be on of us recent in the past
damnyousafewaymakeupyourfreakinmind! | 13 March 2003 | 8:12 pm

in just over an hour i will be on my first drive to the oakland airport. *shudder* i have not yet learned how to drive here, a frightening thing for to combination of my luck and utte's makes her a moving target for SUVs and the like.

today was creating more icons (i fear my boss will not understand how long they take to create - peh. it is an artsy thing) and fixing the car (big bubble in one of utte's wheelz side walls) and drinking the love that is Horachta (definitely not pronounced Whore-chata, the "H" is silent, sillies.)
Imagine something like the Indian rice pudding dessert, but in drink form.

so extremely delicious...

driving to the airport the pick up the tt, who is again far away - now being worse because he has to fly 4-5 hours to get to tn instead of one.

everything in our life moves with time and airplanes

the loss of one of the kitties this week (semi-permanent, but horrid none the less) just makes me think on the relationship again, and sad thoughts these are. i suppose i cannot expect immediate improvement in the situation, but it is frustrating to see it continue as always (damnyousafewaymakeupyourfreakinmind!)

it seems the tt is hip on going out this weekend, perhaps to boogie's party on saturday night. usually he is so tired and worn from the week, let alone my own exhaustion from whatever mental/emotional trials, it seems difficult to do much of anything on the weekend. we have not been out very much at all since the move...of course, that was only two weeks ago.

i feel at home here, and comfey in our little house, but i am ready to use up some of this pent up energy, and get out a little - aye to dance and drink!


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