contact be on of us recent in the past
asp basket | 29 December 2004 | 3:19 pm

things i thought about, or viewed recently that make me happy:

inchworms: i *heart* very cute. i found one once that was no thicker than a pin, so tiny, the little inverted "u." just thinking about them inch inch inching their way along the tip of my index finger makes me smile - every time.

a random old man: yesterday actually, an old man, shuffling along in his little suit in the rain - nothing special by himself really, but add a tiny little solid yellow umbrella with molded plastic handle and you have quite the cute picture - mind you, i normally steer very clear of the very old or very young.
did he trade umbrella with a great-grandchild? did he pick it out in the store because of its ever so bright hue? he looked so content crossing market a the light. i would have asked him to trade, just for fun, but he was barely going to make it across as it was.

kamikaze crow: so agile it was, hopping around on the power lines, turning this way and that, yes. when it fancied being on the street instead, it would jump from the line with its little legs and free fall for a second or two, snapping out its wings only when halfway to the ground - !! - then landing lightly by the kill of the road. not just once, but at least four times this behavior was practiced. i pointed it out to tt and watched with great interest...and a happy little fascinated smile.

asp basket: this goes into the funny phrase/fun with words category of happiness. i said, "what a dangerous basket of asps that is!" just now - which leads to the shortened form, asp basket, describing a den of troubles and woe. yes. happiness.

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