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alphabet meme | 29 June 2006 | 12:52 pm

Alphaber meme from K:

A[A is for age:]
32 - thirty something, right?

[B is for booze of choice:]
mojitos or maker's on the harder side - muscat, maderia, and voignier for wine *licks lips in antici...Pation*

[C is for career]
Media Archive Manager (although this may change if I have any choice about it - we'll see...)

[D is for your dog's name:]
cassandra or penelope or something suitbly greek or roman (just a mood thing i think) for a little grrl doberman, rotwiler, or beauviet - although there is no dog at present. i so miss puppy love, but not puppy pooty.

[E is for essential item you use everyday:]
oil of olay moisturizer w/spf15

[F is for favorite song at the moment:]
Future Lovers - Madonna

[G is for favorite game:]
canesta for cards / oblivion on 360

[H is for Home town:]
suxburgh, right next door to Bill Cowher, yay.

[I is for instruments you play:]
voice, trumpet (but not anymore), piano (a bit)

[J is for favorite juice]:
this one is just silly - how about favorite juxtaposition? like bananas and peanutbutter - yum! or the word jack and the word sauce - woo!

[K is for kids]
never - auntie ja yes, mommy no.

[L is for last hug]:
mr's kisses and hugs at the door before work today - i left him at home like a house husband - hrm, i wonder what's for dinner tonight...heh.

[M is for marriage:]
8/29/05 baby

[N is for nickname:]
ja - thats it really, pretty boring. bootygrrl maybe, grrl6 in certain circles. i used to be sponge, but that did not last long either. if i am really really lucky the mr calls me his butin

[O is for overnight hospital stays:]
6 surgeries, a bit of comittal - i'll never know for sure, but it most likely adds up to about 3 weeks

[P is for phobias:]
crowds, heights, being out of control

[Q is for quote:]
mostly they only come out at night, mostly�

[R is for biggest regret:]
not sticking with any artistic talent i have, but dabbling in each - i really could have been something pure as opposed to an artistic failure

[S is for status:]
sober, atm

[T is for time you woke up:]
usually around 6:30am before my alarm - always - i wake up an hour before my alarm and then worry until it is almost time for it to go off then shut it off before it does. i dread alarms.

[U is for underwear:]
thong - pantilines and i do not get along

[V is for vegetables you Love:]
asparagus and artichokes, heirloom tomatoes sweet as peaches and broccoli

[W is for worst habit:]

[X is for x-rays you've got:]
both of my ankles and knees, an MRI and EEG on my brain, yay, and an x-ray of the bubbies (just in case)

[Y is for yummy food you make:]
bizarre oddities made up on the fly from whatever we have - iron chef here i come!

[Z is for zodiac sign:]
tarus/gemini cusp child

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