contact be on of us recent in the past
two boys, shaved and waiting for my word | 12 March 2002 | 11:02 am

dream from two nights ago:

i am in vermont visiting the nanimal and staying at his parents house (like a trip years ago). the urchin shows up and we get all stoned and giggly. urchin jumps up and runs from the room, proclaiming that he has a surprise for me. after he leaves, nanimal enlightens me. the two of them have planned to seduce me on the trip and i�ll have an opportunity to be a grrlsandwich. i am overjoyed at the prospect and almost clap my hands with glee.

urchin returns to the room, his body wrapped in a white cotton sheet. nanimal reaches in to the sheet in the middle and i see skin, a bulb of skin�ooh! a testicle, clean and slick shaved! they smile and explain that they know of my preferences and have made every effort to succumb to these wishes.

i am flattered beyond belief, these two boys, shaved and waiting for my word�for me. in answer i kneel and lick/kiss the testicle, the hole only big enough for one, the only exposed skin in the room. i nuzzle it with my nose, and one more quick kiss before i stand. i explain that i must pee and rush off to the bathroom.

in the bathroom i panic, lower my pants/panties, check the damage -- for i also need to be clean-shaven and have not for a few days. where is a razor and shaving cream? and i dart around his parents bathroom, looking in cupboards and under the sink. i must find them soon!

the door pops open, not able to lock and ill-fitting into its frame. i jump over and shut it, root for a razor again. the door opens, i jump, i shut, i root�repeat.

i finally find an old razor and barbasol, but by now at least an hour has passed, and i fear that i have missed my window of opportunity.

and a second dream:

warsadick is posting bills and flyers all over the deserted and dirty/dark city streets. there is garbage blowing about and i walk down the streets looking for an atm. i run into warsadick and rip down one of the flyers he just posted. i tell him what i think it means and ask him, am i right? yes. i leave, bemused that he is putting so much effort into his project.

i still have the flyer in my hand as i walk, locating an atm down the street on my left. there is a random girl standing there, trying to figure out the secret of using the machine. i show her the flyer and punch in codes from it. a selection screen pops up, a character and attribute selection screen. the flyers are a guide on how to use the atm machines to pick out personalizedlarpingcharacters for an internationallarpinggame.

she fnishes selecting a large purple ogre and leaves. i put in my atm card, withdrawl $20.00, and leave, walking the opposite direction as the strange and random girl.

tee hee hee

yesterday after the vet,

( by the way -- no feline leukemia or aids for the kitty! yayayay!)
i took the little mau home, the freyja, settled her in � the phone rang. my TT is at the library? the physics library? i�ll be right there!

all the flights to kalamazoo were cnacelled�yes, kalamazoo, heh. my TT left this morning nstead, which meant one more evening and night at home with me and the kitties.

so happy�!

we made asparagus risotto and had wine, snuggled and watched a spanish movie, Why Do They Call It Love When They Mean Sex, oh my. not something to run out an rent right now, if you get my drift, but interesting. we thought it would be a little more fun, but alas, not as much pr0n as movie � and we were hoping for more pr0n. heh.

up at 5:30 this morning, wash, rinse, repeat. and so it goes�again�again.

it sucks when scrambled eggs are painful to chew, i mean, really. (the applesauce ruled though!)

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