contact be on of us recent in the past
i take him, deep | 2001-07-05 | 9:19 a.m.

a dream from the other night involved my kitties dying. horrible. i wish i could remember detail...i just remember picking up havana...and the feel of his fur -- sticky with blood. his whole little body was wet.

ah...i remember more now...

TT and i are living underground, in the basement level of a large shopping complex, but the basement was actually built out of a cave. we have just moved in, and have only begun to explore our large, dank home. TT is away when i find our kitties crawling along the dirt floor of the cage a few days later, and i pick up havana, ...he is so sick that he is bleeding through his pores/fur.


i cradle him in my arms and search for the cause. there are metal stairs leading up to a circular platform on the side of our apartment. i climb the stairs and at the top is a laboratory...complete with a mad scientist. i hold out my moaning kitty to him and he laughs, and tells me that he has been poisoning them for days now because they jump up on all of his laboratory equipment. at this point i am sobbing and hissing curses at the derranged man, and i explain to him that his experiments are useless and pathetic. i take him, deep into our(pl) apartment, still holding my dying kitty, and show him the fetus that TT and i have been experimenting on.

i woke up then, but the thoughts continued in so far as bootyboi and i taking the kitties to the vet, where they soon died...and the numbness i felt could not be curbed by even they little kitten that TT brought me home later to try to help me snap out of it.


i am so happy that he was there for me yesterday morning when i woke, ...soothing the confused tears of a grrl desperately holding her kitties on the bed.

and i thought that the dream was to remind me of how preshious the kitties are to me...

*yoda* not for granted to be taken, yes?


and bootyboi and i clean and clean and move and unpack. unpacking and deciding where everything goes is such fun!! ...but exhausting and frustrating at the same time(our apartment is so so icky scuzzy). rah.


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