contact be on of us recent in the past
seahorse exhibit they have going on | 2001-05-31 | 1:46 p.m.


heh, sick me. 'nuff complainin'

so i am at home today, instead of work, tippity-tappin' away on my boi's keyboard instead of my own. these are all good things.

mmm! time to make more tea!

it is fun when the most important decision i need to make today involves whether i take a shower now, or wait until later.

my boi's "space bar" makes little tapping noises that are louder than the soft mushy keystroke sounds. these things amaze me, must be the cold drugs i took a liddle while ago. *blink*


and so bootyboi resigned from his CA cum-pay-knee, and will now work on the east-of-coasts, closer....closer to home home home!! after the 13th no more 6 hr. flights, ...well, at least not for a little while. we'll se after this philly thing.

and we are perhaps planning a trip with the f0o...f0o, TT and I all drivin' down to DC/Baltimore one of the weekends in the near future (no, TT, this is NOT the b-day surprise) but...


time to go to the baltimore aquarium for to see the huge seahorse exhibit they have going on through july. secretshine, you up for some fun? we shall see, ...aquarium and ethiopian food and a fun night of DC clubbing, or something. just a weekend. just a 4 hr trip. woo!

mmm, hot tea...

i think i should shower now...

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