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full of merlot and movietime | 2001-05-09 | 9:27 a.m.

many dreams last night, but none that i remember. i do remember, however, booTTyboi calling last night to tell me of new job stuffs. fun! wish i could remember what he said...heh.

last night was fun and full of merlot and movietime with thelittleprince. some movie titled the Boondock Saints. i'm always hip on a good mafia-shoot-em-up- with-big-guns-and- beat-the-fuck-out-of-them- while-you-are-at-it film. review: nummy.

rent it, but try not to go out on a killing spree afterward. try.

and conversation last night with the f0o about commitment and what it means and life and marriage and all of that stuff. pleh. i still think about whether being in love again is a healthy prospect...and this time is...excellent. *sigh* but will pain insue? that would be difficult to bear, truly. and i think of these things, and am silly, ...for TT is not going anywhere, but where are "we" going? i dunno. try asking the rents and you will shock them.

main thing to work on relation-wise as of late:

    .just try to learn to be satisified with what you have and live in the present, grrlie. such things are hard, though. pleh. my responsibility and concearn for the future keep my thoughts at bay, but not my tongue.

what can i do but *wait* to see what happens...and what comes into play...and what....and what?

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