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minya the destroyer | 2001-04-12 | 9:33 a.m.

Icon of Coil

Icon of f0o

Icon of b0oty

Icon of *points to her butt*


the show was nummy, lots of fun flames/dragons and rump shakin' action, although f0o and i only got to watch Thru the cage as we sold merchandise. such things were fine, however, cuz lots of fun talk and $ and such...all good. also, lagsters knew where we were, and would come auction themselves off at the table from time to time.

i bought mojo for thirteen-cent, yo...but (butt) i gave him back. i do not wish for another soul to take care of,

    i have a hard enough time keeping track of mine.

last night i asked it to hang around the kitties, so minya the destroyer would not be too afeared all evening. i was only woken up by a little kitty howl once in the evening, and i believe it came from havana. probably got a leedle too close. heh.

little minya kitty purring and figure-eighting around my feet this morning when i went to the west wing for a shower. sweet kitty. i fear she is MINE NOW!! haha!! f0o, you can not have her back!!

damnit, ok. here's your kitty *miss*miss* i always have wanted a little mottled kitty, with spunk. you hear that havanalog? sesharoadbumper? a kitty that moves?? *nudge*nudge* and the kitties roll over, exposing their delicate underbellies. *rolls eyes*

all in all a wonderful evening, and the sleep was good and solid.

i remember a little snippit of a dream where my mother shook my gallon of milk at me, "you need to drink this more, honey!" thats it. that was the snippet. heh. i woke up and drank some skim. go figure. i think my body was trying to tell me something?

body~ feed me calcium. feed me calcium.



*sleepy today*


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