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i am sickened | 2001-03-22 | 03:13 p.m.

*pissed at herself for sucking*


explain? ...perhaps once i figure it out for myself.

i just spent an access class and lunch mulling over what/how i think. introspective me. i have decided on nothing but the cause of most of my internal/external problems.

2.self esteem

"these are easy things to work with," muse the ordinaries. one would think this, and although logical in thought process, i would have to disagree in the case of me. (but then again, are not our personal problems more important -- at times only important -- to ourselves.) sometimes i wonder.



truly we have to battle the big one ourselves, keep ourselves from falling over the edge into the abyss -- and the loosing of our total self identity.

bullshit? ...perhaps.

i ask myself some questions...

    why do you need the love/acceptance/pride of your parents -- especially your mother?
    Why does this extend to other facets of your life?
    ...and why oh why, littlegrrl, can you not get these things from yourself?

i do not know.

i do things that i am proud of, believe in, yes...

    so then why do i need so much from others?

not need, WANT.

somehow i fucking forget this every time. want want want, gimmie gimmie gimmie. i am so immature, i am sickened.

these things push others away.
these insecurities make them angry.

    stop ruining things and pushing them away,

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