contact be on of us recent in the past
a bath-maTT | 2001-03-20 | 09:11 a.m.

...oh, i *love* a rainy night,
i *love* a rainy night,
i *love* to hear the thunder,

    watch the lightening...

as it lights up the sky...

you know it makes me feel good...


things to think about this morning:
-getting a bath-maTT
-showering alone, alone
-dreams last night where i lied about being pregnant in HS, also where TT and i painted a painting together (his painting, i was helping)...his father came in, and did not like how i was shading with chalk, and therefore did not like me.

hrm. interesting. i always seem to dream about current concerns/worries/situations. hrm.

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